My Rock Star Double – Tonis Magi

by Chris Devonshire-Ellis

January 10th, 2017

Tonis Magi

They say everyone has a double, and I seem to have found mine. Having grown my hair and beard long, I have come to resemble an Estonian rock star. The hair and beard growing is down to three things actually, early morning laziness, the winter cold, and just because I can.

Anyway, my doppelganger is Tonis Magi, a popular rock singer from Estonia. Some of these photos are of me, some of him. I know where’s he’s been, too, because certain bar staff and hotel managers have been saying “Good to see you again!” at places I’ve never been before.

Chris Devonshire-Ellis

I was of course a rock star myself once It could of course be far worse. Rock stars are cool. And here’s a clip of one of my songs.